DiscoverTime To Simplify | Leverage Your Time, 90-Day Sprints, Startup Christian Entrepreneurs
Time To Simplify | Leverage Your Time, 90-Day Sprints, Startup Christian Entrepreneurs

Time To Simplify | Leverage Your Time, 90-Day Sprints, Startup Christian Entrepreneurs

Author: Jen Rogers | Creator of the 90-Day Sprint | Certified Coach | Keynote Speaker

Subscribed: 20Played: 390


I help startup entrepreneurs leverage their time and conquer the clock to build their business so they can stop running around with their hair on fire and have time for the people and things they value most.


Top 1.5% Podcast Worldwide

(formerly The Empowered Stepmom | Re-Launch, Time To Simplify, Coming Soon!)


Are you feeling irritable and exhausted most of the time because your online business takes up too much of your time?


Do you wish you could figure out what the heck you’re supposed to do to get clear on who you market to and how to show up confidently?


Does imposter syndrome and overwhelm threaten the business you’ve been called to build?


Hi! I’m Jen.  I’m passionate about turning big goals into a bunch of small successes completed in easy to manage 90-Day Sprints.  Being an accidental entrepreneur stressed me to the point of burning out – until I decided to put my planning skills to work for my business.  Join me in doing things on purpose to grow your business and leverage your time!  


In this podcast, I’ll teach you how to:


🌱identify boundaries for your business so you have more energy + time for relationships, relaxation, and rest

🌱prevent shiny object syndrome + get clear on what your business is all about

🌱simplify your goals with 90-Day Sprints,™️ aligned with your values, vision, and beliefs

🌱apply biblical productivity principles + implement systems that work

🌱stop buying things you don’t need to run your business 


I’m here to help you experience the confidence that comes from creating your business on purpose.


So if you're feeling overwhelmed, burned out, or just unsure of your next steps, it’s time to discover how you can reignite your passion and regain your sense of direction. Together, we'll navigate the path towards your goals and breathe new life into your dreams. It’s time to say “YES!” to a purposeful and fulfilling business and life. 

It’s Time To Simplify friend as you leverage the power of time management to create the life you crave. 

Next Steps:

🎙️Want to be part of the re-launching of this podcast?
>>Email me at  

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Sign up for the next 90-Day Sprint! COMING SOON
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226 Episodes
What's your biggest challenge in conquering the clock? Message me!Today's amazing episode asks powerful questions about the church's role in ministering to stepfamilies. Church Leaders: What if you (your church) were known for that consistent soft landing where kids felt safe to express their hurts about their broken families?What if you were the church that could roll out the welcome mat and say, "Come on in. We understand that life is tough for you as a blend. We may not get all your ...
What's your biggest challenge in conquering the clock? Message me!Do you know what you do more than 35,000 times per day? Listen in to today's episode to learn the 3 things that typically precede the exhaustion you often feel in your stepfamily and what you can do to regain the energy and control you crave in your blend.P.S. The answer? We make more than 35,000 decisions EACH DAY!We help stepfamily couples turn what feels impossible into Stepfamily Mission POSSIBLE! We help you underst...
What's your biggest challenge in conquering the clock? Message me!From Widowed to Remarried, with Stepkids. A Stepmom's Story From Heartache to Victory Featuring Wanda Patrick.Blending is hard. It can take a little longer to understand that our kids and stepkids are struggling in similar ways we struggle; the challenges they face are somewhat similar to our own.Meet Wanda Patrick. Wanda understands the challenges single parents and stepparents face. When her husband died, leaving her with tw...
What's your biggest challenge in conquering the clock? Message me!Ever wonder what your stepkids are thinking?! You're not alone, stepmom. We've got you, stepdad! The reason blending families feels so hard is because creating stepfamilies IS HARD!!! From our guest: "We're humans. So it's going to be hard. I don't even fault my dad or my stepmom or my stepdad for the way they handled the situation. They handled it the best way they knew how; it just doesn't have a great outcome, b...
What's your biggest challenge in conquering the clock? Message me!Note: This episode may be triggering. (Drug use and suicide)Did you know that if a mother has used marijuana in the past year, her child is 80% more likely to use marijuana?The stats for dads are even more shocking! A father who uses their child is 90% more likely to use marijuana.Listen to this week's episode to get equipped with the knowledge you need to prevent your kids from dabbling in dabbing. Today's episode...
What's your biggest challenge in conquering the clock? Message me!Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to START, Stepfamily! You can do this!Create a sacred space to apply on your reflections from last week (Mission #011) on what you've learned about yourself, your spouse, and your stepfamily. Then, take the first step. Feels awkward? No worries! Do it anyway. Get evidence through messy action and see what God can do!PREVIOUS MISSIONSMission #011 How To Know What God ...
What's your biggest challenge in conquering the clock? Message me!Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to carve out 15 minutes of time each day to glean insights, as a couple, about God's call for you and your marriage!You can do this!Create a sacred space to reflect on what you've learned about yourself, your spouse, and your family. Listen for God to discern where he is calling you to next!PREVIOUS MISSIONSMission #010 Knowing When It's Time to Take A Break In Your Stepfa...
What's your biggest challenge in conquering the clock? Message me!Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to give yourself permission to take an intermission from your missions!Create a sacred space to reflect on what you've learned about yourself, your spouse, and your family. Where is God at work? Go there!PREVIOUS MISSIONSMission #009 What's At The Core? Mission #008 What To Do When You Get TriggeredMission #007 How To Get In The Fight!Mission #006| Mission #005| Mission #0...
What's your biggest challenge in conquering the clock? Message me!Your fights are important, and your marriage is important. Now that you know what your triggers are (Mission #008), it's time to understand what lies underneath the triggers. When you establish some ground rules, you can fight better fights! Where do those ground rules stem from? That answer is critical to discern so you can evaluate the overall outcome that you want in your marriage. Guess what surfaces in your fights? ...
What's your biggest challenge in conquering the clock? Message me!What if the way you fight could change your marriage for the better?4 Part Framework to Fight Well for StepfamiliesPlanned Fight:Identify - identify the triggerManage - manage your "Myggy" (your amygdala/lizard brain/fight, flight, fre)Determine - what is the outcome you want (that builds up your marriage & family?) step three the outcome that you really want.Post Fight, Add Step 4: 4. How ...
What's your biggest challenge in conquering the clock? Message me!Bill & Jen share 3 Key Points to Fight Well in War - Spiritual Warfare is real, y'all!Decide - Commit to fight spiritual battles with spiritual weapons (Read Ephesians 6)Focused time with you and JesusPrioritize praying together as a couple Your mission, should you choose to accept it is to commit to the fight through the power of prayer. We encourage you to spend 5 minutes daily in prayer together for your rela...
What's your biggest challenge in conquering the clock? Message me!Are you a list lover or do you fly by the seat of your pants? Maybe you're somewhere in between. On today's episode, we're talking about a subject that can be a little bit tricky. If you are a list-keeper, keeping a list of offenses and frustrations and harboring unforgiveness, it might be time to scrap that list.Let's take a walk on the Jesus side and let go of that unforgiveness!PREVIOUS MISSIONS - Season 5Mission #001 Your ...
What's your biggest challenge in conquering the clock? Message me!How do your children grieve the loss of the family that they no longer have? What do you notice about how each of your children are grieving? How about you? Have you grieved the loss that you've lived through?That loss can take many forms that then become commingled with others' expectations for how you should behave in the face of blending. Yet, there's no family like your family! Your family is beautifully unique and treasur...
What's your biggest challenge in conquering the clock? Message me!How do your children grieve the loss of the family that they no longer have? What do you notice about how each of your children are grieving? How about you? Have you grieved the loss that you've lived through?That loss can take many forms that then become commingled with others' expectations for how you should behave in the face of blending. Yet, there's no family like your family! Your family is beautifully unique and treasur...
What's your biggest challenge in conquering the clock? Message me!What do you think? Does culture inspire people to pretend you're something that you're not? It can often feel that way in blends - that we're in a role that's confusing and we're not sure where to get the answers.The answers lie in the Word of God! Listen to the biggest dose of hope from our guest, Crystal Daye. Crystal goes by many titles, including our fave - Jesus girl! Additionally, she's an Inspirational Speaker, Award Wi...
What's your biggest challenge in conquering the clock? Message me! We know that resistance in your blended family comes in many forms. When we're caught up in the middle of the trial, it's easy to get distracted and get stuck. In today's episode, we invite you to come up with 3 simple, easy-peasy steps to get started in your stepfamily. If you've got one big hairy, audacious goal, you've got to break it down to get started and show "overwhelm" the door.>>>>Register for...
What's your biggest challenge in conquering the clock? Message me!Got a game plan for your stepfamily marriage? In today's mission, we break down how to align your goals, together! >>>>Register for the Workshop! July 9 or July 16!>>>>>Join us for the workshop July 9 or July 16! Details and registration here.>>>Download the Guide to today's episode here.PREVIOUS MISSIONSMission #001Mission #002Mission #003 is all about getting SMARTER with your ...
What's your biggest challenge in conquering the clock? Message me!Welcome to Season 5 where it's all about doing one mission at a time to create a beautiful legacy for your stepfamily!Mission #002 is all about preventing divorce/re-divorce. It involves 3 key things:AWARENESS - Action is requiredINTENTION - Daily investments in your marriageFOCUS - Key, small deposits that protect your marriage You can't do everything all the time, but you can do small things that create incredible...
What's your biggest challenge in conquering the clock? Message me!Welcome to Season 5 where it's all about doing one mission at a time to create a beautiful legacy for your stepfamily!Season 5 MissionsMission #001 Your Stepfamily HeritageMission #002 How To Prevent DivorceMission #003 How To Get SMARTER* TogetherMission #004 What Mission Are You NOT Willing to Do?Mission #005 How To Lean Into Your Losses and Move ForwardMission #006 The Stepfamily Roller Coaster of ForgivenessMission #007 Ho...
What's your biggest challenge in conquering the clock? Message me!Unfortunately, there is no fairy dust. However, there are tools you can use to stop the chaos in your blend, one step at a time! Listen in to today's episode to acquire the steps you need to move forward. It all starts with one decision to move forward. Are you ready?PREVIOUS MISSIONS - Season 5Mission #001 Your Stepfamily HeritageMission #002 How To Prevent DivorceMission #003 How To Get SMARTER* TogetherMis...